Chris Negus has authored or co-authored dozens of books on Linux and UNIX, including the Red Hat Linux Bible (all editions), Linux Troubleshooting Bible, and Linux Toys. He worked with the organization at AT&T that developed UNIX for eight years before moving to Utah to help contribute to Novell's short-lived UnixWare project in the early 1990s. When not writing about Linux, Chris rides the 400 trail with his wife Sheree, builds things with his son Seth, and plays soccer when he can.
Christopher Negus
Chris Negus has authored or co-authored dozens of books on Linux and UNIX, including the Red Hat Linux Bible (all editions), Linux Troubleshooting Bible, and Linux Toys. He worked with the organization at AT&T that developed UNIX for eight years before moving to Utah to help contribute to Novell's short-lived UnixWare project in the early 1990s. When not writing about Linux, Chris rides the 400 trail with his wife... Lire tout